Let’s face it, eating with your new dentures can be a challenge, and for most people experiencing a sore spot is inevitable when getting used to new dentures. We’re here to give you an idea of what to expect as well as some tips and tricks on how to adjust to eating with your new dentures.

Some of the first sensations that you may notice is a feeling of fullness in your mouth and an increase in saliva; this is normal to experience and should subside within a few weeks.

Soft Diet

Start by eating softer foods such as yogurt, pureed soups, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs and cooked cereals. These foods will provide you with nutrients while putting minimal stress on your gums and jaw.  Eating firm or crunchy foods will put undue pressure on your gums and may increase your risk of irritating your gums.


The temperature of food is especially important for those of you getting used to your very first denture. Dentures cover your gums and therefore insulate your gums from heat; always test the temperature of hot food on your lips before taking a bite.  Another thing to consider is to avoid spicy foods, if you have a sore spot on your gums spicy food will cause stinging or burning.

When you feel ready to move on to solid foods do so with these steps in mind:

  • Cut your food into small pieces, this will ensure each bite is manageable to chew.
  • Disperse food on both sides of your mouth, this will help to keep your dentures as stable as possible while chewing.
  • Chew slowly straight up and down and don’t swallow large pieces of food.
  • Avoid tough meats, chewing tough meats will put excess pressure on your gums.
  • Avoid sticky foods as it can dislodge your dentures easily.

Even once you feel completely comfortable with your new dentures there will still be certain foods that are difficult to eat. Take care when eating food such as:

  • Nuts
  • Sticky candy
  • Crusty bread
  • Raw vegetables
  • Lettuce
  • Popcorn
  • Crunchy fruits
  • Corn on the cob
  • Tough meats
  • Gum

Be kind with yourself when going through this process and remember that some soreness of your gums and jaw is to be expected.  A healthy diet is important for your overall health so if you continue to have problems eating with your new dentures consult a professional denture clinic.