Now that you have your new complete dentures, what things should you know about them?

  1. When cleaning your dentures
    • Important to set a routine for cleaning dentures
      • Dentures create an environment for bacteria growth more than natural teeth
    • Line the sink with a face cloth or fill the sink with some water
    • Use running water that is more than lukewarm but less than hot
    • ALWAYS brush using non-abrasive cleaning paste
      • “Polident Daily Paste for denturescan be purchased at Walmart or here at Woodside
    • Brushing is very important to remove the “Biofilm collected on the denture
      • Biofilm is a Slimy layer of bacteria that collects on the denture
      • Cleaning tablets cannot penetrate the Biofilm, that is why it is important to brush off the biofilm first
  1. Sleeping
    • Try to sleep with your dentures out to let your gums rest and replenish
    • Store your dentures in a safe spot (like your denture case)
    • After dentures are properly cleaned, they do not need to be soaked in water
    • If you like to soak your dentures, make sure to use fresh water nightly and clean your cup or container regularly to prevent bacterial build up
  1. Take care or your Gums
    • Try to sleep with your dentures out or find time to have your dentures out so your gums can breathe
      • Dentures can restrict circulation to the gums
    • When dentures are out, massage the gums
      • With a soft bristle toothbrush or finger in face cloth to promote circulation to the gums
  1. Keep up with recommended scheduled maintenance
    • Yearly oral exams
    • Relines every 2 years
    • A New set every 5 – 7 years

**Recommended schedule maintenance usually covered by insurance or senior coverage

  1. If you have dogs
    • Be sure to keep them out of reach, it will become their new chew toy
  1. If cracked, chipped or broken
    • Never glue
    • Call in to make an appointment

Usually same day service