Now that you have your new complete dentures, what things should you know about them?
- When cleaning your dentures
- Important to set a routine for cleaning dentures
- Dentures create an environment for bacteria growth more than natural teeth
- Line the sink with a face cloth or fill the sink with some water
- Use running water that is more than lukewarm but less than hot
- ALWAYS brush using non-abrasive cleaning paste
- “Polident Daily Paste for dentures” can be purchased at Walmart or here at Woodside
- Brushing is very important to remove the “Biofilm” collected on the denture
- Biofilm is a Slimy layer of bacteria that collects on the denture
- Cleaning tablets cannot penetrate the Biofilm, that is why it is important to brush off the biofilm first
- Important to set a routine for cleaning dentures
- Sleeping
- Try to sleep with your dentures out to let your gums rest and replenish
- Store your dentures in a safe spot (like your denture case)
- After dentures are properly cleaned, they do not need to be soaked in water
- If you like to soak your dentures, make sure to use fresh water nightly and clean your cup or container regularly to prevent bacterial build up
- Take care or your Gums
- Try to sleep with your dentures out or find time to have your dentures out so your gums can breathe
- Dentures can restrict circulation to the gums
- When dentures are out, massage the gums
- With a soft bristle toothbrush or finger in face cloth to promote circulation to the gums
- Try to sleep with your dentures out or find time to have your dentures out so your gums can breathe
- Keep up with recommended scheduled maintenance
- Yearly oral exams
- Relines every 2 years
- A New set every 5 – 7 years
**Recommended schedule maintenance usually covered by insurance or senior coverage
- If you have dogs
- Be sure to keep them out of reach, it will become their new chew toy
- If cracked, chipped or broken
- Never glue
- Call in to make an appointment
Usually same day service