Denture Affordability for Alberta Seniors

Denture Affordability for Alberta Seniors

The Government of Alberta offers a Dental Assistance for Seniors Program (DASP). Who is Eligible? You are eligible to apply for DASP if you meet all of the following criteria: You are 65 years of age or older You have lived in Alberta for at least three months before...
How Dentures can Affect Confidence and Health

How Dentures can Affect Confidence and Health

When it comes to dentures, they do more than help chew food. Dentures are also framed by a smile and is usually what other people notice first. Media puts a lot of pressure on the aesthetics of a perfect smile. So, what happens when one is embarrassed with their teeth...
How Poor Dentures affect your Speech

How Poor Dentures affect your Speech

Patients often wonder if getting dentures will affect their speech? It’s a legitimate concern and there is definitely an adjustment period where talking, chewing and normal activities will feel different. Once you’ve learned to adjust, you should be able to...