Keeping Dentures in or Taking Dentures Out? As a recommendation, dentures should always be taken out when going to sleep. Though this may be true, sleeping with dentures out may not be for everyone. This information is intended to help you decide whether you should...
Dentures come in many different forms, from design to materials used. One of the goals as a denturist is to provide the client with an appliance that can function well, while also being aesthetically pleasing. The aim in creating a denture, is for the teeth to look...
Now that you have your new complete dentures, what things should you know about them? When cleaning your dentures Important to set a routine for cleaning dentures Dentures create an environment for bacteria growth more than natural teeth Line the sink with a face...
The Masseter is strongest muscle in the body based on its weight. It is the facial muscle responsible for biting down, chewing and clenching. With forces like that, it is not hard to believe that a denture crack, break or fracture while in use. When the day comes that...
Top 5 Cleaning Habits for your Dentures: Before brushing, rinse your dentures to remove any loose food or deposits When cleaning never use too hot of water as it may distort the denture, lukewarm is the most ideal Clean your entire mouth including the gums, cheeks,...