As we enter this new year, we are excited to share the latest denture trends that can change your life! Over the past 20 years, there have been notable advancements in denture technology and materials making the process less painful, and less time-consuming with more...
Dentures are dental prosthetics designed to replace missing teeth and restore oral function and aesthetics. There are several reasons why you might require a full set of dentures for your situation. Woodside Denture Centre offers a Free Denture Consultation to see...
The Government of Alberta offers a Dental Assistance for Seniors Program (DASP). Who is Eligible? You are eligible to apply for DASP if you meet all of the following criteria: You are 65 years of age or older You have lived in Alberta for at least three months before...
Saliva plays an important role in the use and maintenance of dentures. Here are some ways in which saliva can affect dentures: Adhesion: Saliva helps create a natural suction between the denture and the gums, which helps hold the denture in place. This is especially...
There are many myths surrounding dentures, and it’s important to separate fact from fiction, as well as, clear up some misconceptions. Dentures have come a long way since the 1980s, thanks to advancements in technology and materials. At Woodside Denture Centre...
Why denture maintenance? If you have had your dentures for over 6 months and have not had them maintained now would be a good time. In fact, when you begin your spring cleaning, whether in your yard or in your home, add your DENTURES to that list. A yearly maintenance...